
Known for its ability to awaken spiritual energies, facilitating a deeper connection with one’s inner self and the universe.

Deepen your journey with our follow-up program, designed for those who have completed Tibetan Mantra Healing Introduction, Levels 1 or 2. This program encourages continued practice for overall well-being and integrating mantra chanting into your self-healing routine. Join our community of 20 practitioners who have collectively completed 1800 malas, embodying dedication and spiritual growth.

The Course

What will I learn through the Daka Mantra Accumulation course from Drukmo

    1. Guideline

    1. Morning Session 1

    2. Morning Session 2

    1. Afternoon Session 1

    2. Afternoon Session 2

    1. Audio of the full day program

    2. Daka Mantra image

About this course

  • €50,00
  • 7 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

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